Are you a student in grades 7-12? Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher...or a principal...or a coach...or a school counselor...or an instructional aide? Might a job as a teacher or paraprofessional in a daycare, preschool, or K-12 setting be in your future? Do you enjoy working with students and teaching others how to do things? Would you like to pursue more LEADERSHIP opportunities while you are in high school? If your answer to any of these questions is YES, then you should consider joining your school's Future Educators of Alaska club!
An organizational meeting for the Kenny Lake School FEA Club will be held on Tuesday, January 15th during lunch. Bring your lunch and learn more about the organization. Questions? See Mr. Proch (KLS Club Advisor) or contact Mrs. Van Wyhe (District FEA Coordinator).
An organizational meeting for the Kenny Lake School FEA Club will be held on Tuesday, January 15th during lunch. Bring your lunch and learn more about the organization. Questions? See Mr. Proch (KLS Club Advisor) or contact Mrs. Van Wyhe (District FEA Coordinator).